Thursday 16 February 2012

Maria de la Luz, Part Six

Let me be honest and say that the problem that I had with Luz was that I found it hard to became angry at her antics. That was partly because she chugged like a steam engine in bed and partly because I have an amazing capacity to just ignore female prattle. At the end of the day so long as the woman opens her legs pretty much to order then I am willing to just switch off when she starts with the female superficialities. I may even be willing to empty my wallet so long as I have been suitably despunked and am feeling amiable enough to do that.

However, the big no-no with me is when a woman confuses my willingness to do something for her so as to shut her the fuck up, with her ability to bully me. She confuses indifference with weakness, on other words, and then is when arses often have to be left stinging.

That basically was what happened with Luz over the next few days in the run-up to the Texcoco Horse Fair. The wheedling turned imperceptibly into demanding, usually with a hand on the hip and a finger wagging. What had seemed amusing just a couple of days before suddenly became irritating, and I have to admit that part of my irritation was directed at myself for allowing things to get out of hand. I decided that the next time that madam climbed on her high horse she would be dragged off it and put over my knee. And unlike the previous two occasions, when the next time came around I would save the fucking for after the spanking was over.

I diod not have long to wait for the next day was when we had arranged to go to Texcoco. I drove over to Luz's neck of the woods and found her looking utterly beddable in a white, fluffy blouse with tiny puff sleeves and a neck that opened out to the shoulders almost. Below that was a denim miniskirt with leather sandals on her feet. All Luz had to do was behave properly and I would have forgotten my resolve, so keen was I to get my hands on the two puppies that I could see bouncing away under the blouse.

Needless to say she could not manage that, so I ended up putting Luz in her place, which only goes to show you just how foolish women can be.

We were standing in the entrance to her house, with Luz hastily putting her things into the handbag that she planned to take with her to the fair.

"Did you bring plenty of money?" That was the question that set me off, or rather the way that it was asked, without a preamble to be seen.

"Enough for my needs," was all I said.

"Well, how much is that? What about my mother and sister - I want to invite them as well!"

I burst out laughing, and when I managed to bring some sort of control back to my voice, I decided that the best thing to do was to offload Luz to her fate and go to the fair alone. I knew that within an hour or so of my arrival some pert young puss would give me the eye. That is the advantage of being English in native surroundings - we are not just foreigners, but exotically so, and that makes us a prize catch for the local talent.

"Stop laughing at me," screeched Luz, stamping her foot for emphasis.

"Why - when you're so fucking hilarious?"

Luz took a step forward and raised her hand, probably with the intention of slapping me, but I grabbed her wrist and forced the arm down. Then I pushed her backwards and considered my next move. I really did not need shit like this so I decided to explain the facts of life to madam and then take my hook.

"OK, do I look like a cunt to you?" 

"I don't understand," Luz said, looking admitted rather perplexed.

"What do you do with a cunt? You fuck a cunt, don't you? That is what cunts are made for, to be fucked. So, do I look like a cunt to you?"

Luz shook her head emphatically by way of reply.

"Then why are you trying to fuck me like I was a cunt?"

"I'm not," was all that Luz managed to wail.

"About that fat tub of lard that you call a mother... Do you think that I want to fuck that creature?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why do you think that I will drive the creature around?" Luz opened her mouth either to protest or reply but I was in no mood for interruptions.

"Your fucking sister - remind me how old she is again," I went on remorselessly.


"Thirty, so she is pretty much at her fuck-by date. You are twenty-six," I went on, twisting the knife deep inside her, and your old man dumped you for a younger bit of stuff, so why should I be interested in your older sister?

Luz still looked puzzled so ever the white man I hastened to explain the position to her clearly so that there would never again be any misunderstandings:

"If I do not want to fuck a woman then why should I care if she lives or dies? If your fucking mother was to catch fire I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her; get the picture?"

Luz nodded sadly and then burst into tears. I paused long enough to light a cigarette and then I pulled my wallet out and let her see the contents.

"I reckon that this is enough to take to the fair to find your replacement," I told her calmly, before putting the wallet away and turning on my heel to leave.

However, Luz had other ideas, and she scampered after me, throwing herself in front of the door and then flinging her arms around my neck. Thank you, Luz, as that was pretty much all I had been hoping for.

I untangled her and then held her at arms length: "Have you any idea how hard I am going to smack your bottom?"

Taking the girl by the arm, I began to march her across the patch of green that separated the door to the property where we had been standing and the house. 

To be continued

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