Monday 26 March 2012

April, Part Four

I was tucked up in bed on the morning of the day that we were due to meet when my telephone rang and I heard April's dulcet toners wishing me a good morning. Actually, she did rather more than that as with great aplomb she asked me to grab a pen and paper and then write down the address that she was going to give me.  I had asked her for an address before, and she had replied quite firmly that we would meet at the house of a friend, so as to avoid noisy neighbours. I suspected that it was more likely that she did not want me to know in exactly which leafy suburb she resided, but I was not going to make a fuss so long as my cock was attended to in some bed or other. Obviously she had arranged the use of a bedroom, so all I had to do was drive over to that house. We arranged to meet two hours later, so that gave me time to shit, shower and shave in readiness for the big event.

Since I know next to nothing about the English Midlands, it was a good thing that I had invested in a satellite navigation system. I just plopped the address into that and set off following the directions as given by the disembodied voice that came over the car's speaker system. I came in for a shock as instead of a leafy suburb the system directed me to a 1960s council estate. Feeling moderately curious, I parked the car outside the address that I had been given, and walked up the path to knock on the door.

April opened it when I was still a pace or so away, so she must have been watching out for my arrival. She stepped back as my shadow fell into the doorway and I walked in and back-heeled the door shut before grabbing a good handful of luscious April. She was wearing an almost transparent black negligée, decorated with red rose buds, and I could she that she was naked underneath it.

As my arms encircled her waist, April's hands went behind my back underneath the jacket and I felt her nails dig into my flesh as our lips met hungrily.

As we broke away she looked me in the eye with a look of utter determination on her face. Then, without warning, she  leaned forward and bit me hard on the chin. I screamed, partly out of shock, but mainly because her teeth had sunk deep into my flesh and it bloody hurt!

April stepped back and fixed me with a look of vulpine triumph. "That fucking hurt," was all I managed to splutter as I grabbed my aching jaw.

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it? I think I'll give you a slap to go with the bite," she announced, raising her hand in preparation to do just that.

I grabbed her wrist, which she managed to pull back towards her mouth, obviously with the intention of sinking her fangs into my hand.

"Nark it, bitch, or you will feel my hand across your bare arse," I told her angrily.

"You and whose army?" The look of defiance that accompanied that sarcastic taunt told me just about everything that I needed to know about April. So she liked it rough, did she? That suited me down to the ground: time to paddle a backside, I decided.

I reached out and grabbed the belt that held her negligée closed and pulled it away from the slinky material that covered her body. Then I quickly pulled the garment open and as soon as I had done that I spun April around and yanked the robe off her shoulders and pulled it down enough so that when I let go it fell to her ankles.

She turned around at that and covered her pussy with one hand, the other being raised to hit me. "Bastard," she hissed between clenched teeth.

I stepped back so that I could grab her if she tried to strike out at me again, and she took the opportunity to dart to her left and into the living room. April tried to close the door that led from the hallway into that room, but I was right behind her, so she took up station in the middle of the room and eyed me warily.

"Bitch," I told her, by then thoroughly irritated by her antics. "You are gonna be put in your place, bitch, and taught to behave properly," I promised.

There was another door to April's left that led to a back room, with a large kitchen behind it. She darted off to that doorway but I got there at exactly the same moment as her having anticipated the move and my arm encircled her waist and then I picked her up in one easy motion.

"Put me down, you bastard! Do you hear me?"

"I hear you. Can't fail to hear you," I said as I half carried her to the sofa that took up one wall in the living room. "Got more gob on you than a cow's got cunt," I concluded, sitting down and pulling April into position across my knee.

"You take the yob out of Manchester, but you can never take Manchester out of the yob," said April, truthfully I thought.

After cocking a leg over April's kicking thighs and folding both arms into the small of her back, to hold them their at the wrists, I looked down at the bottom that was now mine to deal with as I chose.

I raised my hand above my head and then brought it  down with a crack that echoed through the room like a gunshot as it smacked across the ripe buttocks that were helpless below it.

To be continued.

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