Saturday, 15 October 2011

On being an (almost) published author

The contract for my book arrived on Friday and has now been signed and is ready to be returned to the American publisher. This means that A Spanking Good Life should be available to buy from Amazon at the end of November.

I went along to a council run internet cafe and printed up the contract. I showed it to the women behind the counter and told her what it was. Her eyes lit up and she started asking questions twenty to the dozen, questions which I thought it politic to evade, given the small town and its mores.

Still, it was quite a delight to be the centre of her world for a moment or so and I am now quite looking forward to attending the odd munch and dropping the information that I am about to become a published author into the conversation.


crankyspanker said...

Congratulations on the book contract. I look forward to reading it.


Uncle Nick said...

I am proofreading the PDF copy at the moment. As soon as that is done I expect the publisher will send me another proof just to let me give it a final once-over.

The middle of November looks as likely a date as any to get the book in Amazon!

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