Friday, 24 June 2011

Keira Knightly is spanked in A Dangerous Method.

Keira Knightly has her backside belted in a new Hollywood production called A Dangerous Method, due for release in February 2012. Does this mean that spanking is continuing to make a comeback to our screens? Well, BDSM certainly is, but that is far removed form the Golden Age of cinema spanking that lasted until the 1960s when saucy females were routinely upended across heroes' knees. Still, mustn't grumble.

The big question is couldn't they have found an actress with a fuller figure that this bony bummed bird?


MarQe said...

"Boney bummed bird" ??? I worry about you ... Knightley is a sheer delight ... fat arses should sent to diet boot camp !!


Uncle Nick said...

A delight if you like anorexics I suppose. I do not as it happens.

Raven Red said...

"fat arses should sent to diet boot camp !!" is going to be a coffee date of note seeing that I will be firmly stating my opinion about the above statement. Er...what is that thing that you do? Oh yes...GRRR.

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