Saturday 26 February 2011

Torygraph invents spanking scandal

The Daily Telegraph appears to be seriously hard up for a story because they have complained that a "stripping and spanking video game has been awarded a 12 certificate." The story is bollocks, of course, but it gives the Torygraph a chance to fulminate whilst at the same time running a still from the game in the hope of tickling their readers' fancies.

YouTube has a trailer for the game, which is called We Dare, but I reckon that you would be better off paying a trip to my very own clips' store and downloading something far, far tastier than this load of old tosh.


Raven Red said...

Damn, Uncle Nick...and there I thought I could interest you in a virtual spanking - my bottom would not object, you know.
I am sure I will still be suitably chastised.

Uncle Nick said...

Only in your dreams...

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