Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011

I went to a restaurant at lunchtime on New Year's Eve. It is one of my regular haunts when in Mexico and the waitresses have got to know me over the years. I was making my way to the toilet when one of them, chatting animatedly to her friend, backed into me, rubbing her rather luscious rump into my groin. I put my arms around her waist and told her to be careful, otherwise I would leave her "bien colorada," which roughly translates as well reddened in English, but always refers to the state of the bottom, despues de la nalguiza, as it were.

She giggled nervously, and I whispered in her ear, asking if she understood? She replied quietly, leaning against me all the time: Si SeƱor.

So nice to end the year by reminding a young chit of her place, don't you think? I trust that 2011will be as agreeable. A happy New Year to all my readers.


Raven Red said...

Happy New Year to you too, Uncle Nick



Uncle Nick said...

Thank you sweetums, and the same to you.

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