Thursday 9 December 2010

Bringing a daughter to heel

George Thompson was a man who knew how to keep his daughter Loretta in line - even when she was 34 years old. She stayed out until midnight according to this  front page LA Times report of the 25 May 1938 and her bottom paid the price with Loretta across her daddy's knee. The matter was resolved with Loretta agreeing to be home by 10.00pm during the week and at midnight on weekends.


sixofthebest said...

I agree 100% percent with a father spanking his adult daughter. No naughty woman, no matter how old she is should never be excempt from being given what she rightly deserves, a good old-fashioned spanking, hopefully on her bare bottom.

Anonymous said...

Even in their first 30s, young women not married must be under parental DD. If her parent decides she needs a traditional bare bottom spanking -with/out belt or hairbrush- so let it be. Which man wants a feminist or a female left to herself?

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