Friday 11 March 2011

The Story Behind Victoria's Spanking, Part Two

Continuing on from part one of this tale, I obviously did not wish to be defeated  in my hunt for Mexican spanking actresses, so I then hit the seedy bars where the ficheras are to be found. Most Mexican cantinas have these girls and their job is to get the men to buy drinks. Every time someone buys the girl a glass she gets a token, a ficha, which she exchanges for cash at the end of the night. These ficheras will hold your hand, and if you pay them extra they will hold any other part of your anatomy that you fancy, and it really was just a matter of finding one who would agree to go across my knee, I figured.

To be honest it was as easy as falling off a log, and I kicked myself for not thinking of that earlier. The first bar I went into I met Victoria and when I explained the deal to her she agreed with alacrity. I think that I paid her $50 for the shoot and I agreed that she would get lunch afterwards at my expense. At first she was dubious because she thought that I planned to give her a kicking or punch her face, but when I explained the deal totally to her she burst into a big grin.

"So, you'll just hit my bottom with your hand?"

"Yes, that's all there is too it. I'll meet you and we'll drive to a hotel. The shoot will take an hour and then we can have lunch. From leaving here to getting back, allow three hours all told," I explained.

Victoria was seriously impressed with this and wanted to do the shoot that day, but I told her that her ropa de puta was not acceptable, so tomorrow could she please wear something that a secretary might use to go to work in?

As you can see in the video she did me proud. I used a tripod and shot the whole spanking from one angle. Then I let Victoria up and changed the camera angle so that the lens was pointing at her face. Back across my knee she went and the facial expressions were then grabbed as my hand cracked across her bottom. The only problem was that there was no air-conditioning in the hotel that I used and it became damned hot under the video lights and I began to wilt as you can tell if you watch the video closely.

Once the video had been shot I took some stills, and the full set of those you can see at this link. I must say I do find the one on the left very agreeable indeed. It's the combination of my handiwork with a glimpse of Victoria's pussy lips that I find so very appealing.

On the subject of pussy, after taking the still I started to pack all my gear away when I turned around I found that Victoria had stripped herself naked and climbed into bed. What can I say? She just automatically expected that for that kind of money I would expect to fuck her as well. I was tempted to tell her to forget it, but I am an Englishman after all and one doesn't want the natives thinking that we are unable to rise to the occasion, so I scrambled into bed with her and slipped her a length.

Rather a good day's work when you come to think about it and all for less than fifty quid all told!

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